Here are 4 fantastic, no-code apps to boost conversions in your pre and post-purchase funnel.

Shopify is an ideal platform for business owners to grow their brands. Everything you need to start, sell, market, and manage your business is under one roof. The secret to success on Shopify is taking full advantage of the tech stack available in Shopify’s App Store.

With more than 6,000 apps in the Shopify app store (and tons being added every month), there are a wide variety of apps businesses can use to succeed and help with everything merchants need to make a business move forward.

From shipping and fulfillment to subscriptions and reviews, apps in the Shopify ecosystem provide a range of services to help take your Shopify store to the next level. Looking to increase your customer lifetime value? Consider using a subscription app, like Recharge. Looking to boost your average order value? Look for apps that maximize the spend of your current customers.

Here are 4 fantastic, no-code apps to boost conversions in your pre and post-purchase funnel.




The pre- and post-purchase funnel are an essential step to success on any ecommerce site. The pre-purchase funnel focuses on getting your customers to engage with you through brand awareness while being educated on what your product/solution can do for them. All lead to the end result of customers making a purchase.

Upsell Progress Bar:

Upsell Progress Bar is a fantastic new Shopify app that helps boost the average order value for customers as they are shopping. The progress bar increases as more items are added to the cart. The progress bar allows customers to unlock incentives while shopping such as free shipping or free products. Place the progress bar on your product page or the cart page and help your customers through the pre-purchase funnel.

It's a great way to increase engagement on a product and ultimately lead to purchase. The progress bar is just one way customers can be engaged, educated, and informed as they move through the purchase funnel and hit that add to cart button.


Because is a female-founded Shopify app that's powering unique product page content at scale through customizable Pop Ups, Bars, and Banners.

Use Because to display dynamic messages on their product pages, like stock information, shipping, promotions, reviews, social mission info, product details, and more. This is a no-code app that can help you through the pre-purchase funnel and help your customers engage with your products and become educated on what you offer. Create unique content across every single product page and increase both add to cart and conversion.


Acquiring new customers costs 5 times as much as retaining existing ones and having a post-purchase strategy is an essential part of increasing AOV and customer retention. In order to retain your customer and turn them into repeat buyers, you should have a strategy in place. Through retention, you can begin to ask if your customer is satisfied with their purchase and the overall shopping experience. Are there gaps and did you miss any opportunities to upsell? Have they turned into advocates and become fans?

You can build out a successful post-purchase strategy by using some amazing apps that can help with everything from post-purchase offers to landing pages, to incentives to a successful email campaign.


CartHook is the "best way to increase your AOV and make your customers love your brand." CartHook Post Purchase Offers lets Shopify brands increase their revenue (without increasing traffic)! Post-purchase offers are triggered by what the customer just bought, and displayed immediately after the checkout and before the thank you page. There’s zero risk of cart abandonment, and shoppers can accept or decline with one-click. Plus, there’s no need to re-enter payment or shipping info.

Shopify stores using CartHook increase their AOVs by an average of 30%! Post-purchase upselling is an AOV-boosting strategy that works for Shopify stores of all sizes, in nearly every vertical, and in all phases of growth.


The Klayvio integration with Shopify is essential when it comes to building out a successful email flow that gives your customers who just purchased from your Shopify store a way to connect with you, leave a review, return for an additional purchase, or simply an opportunity for you to say 'thank you' for the recent purchase.

Klayvio is used by over 265,000 stores around the world to send personalized email, SMS messages, signup forms, and more. Having a strong email flow post-purchase will help transform recent customers into one of the final and most important components of the entire purchase funnel, advocates and loyal, returning fans.

Whether you're looking to elevate your Shopify store or build funnels to retain customers and increase average order value, we hope these four no-code apps will take your site to the next level.

Guest Post by the CartHook Team